Anders Elowsson  pfp

Anders Elowsson


66 Following

Anders Elowsson  pfp
Anders Elowsson
One million validators. A reminder that there is a proposal for tempering issuance, which would bring many benefits. Would be great to see more discussion within the community on the proposal, and I'm available to answer any questions.
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Anders Elowsson  pfp
Anders Elowsson
There is a paradigm for the reward curve that I wanted to highlight: a reward curve with capped issuance. It is similar to the reward curve with tempered issuance. I outline the baseline design here and will return with a longer write-up.
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Anders Elowsson  pfp
Anders Elowsson
Foundations of minimum viable issuance. A simple post on the core premise behind a change to Ethereum’s issuance policy. There are many benefits to minimum viable issuance; I wanted to emphasize how it inherently creates value by reducing costs to users.
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Anders Elowsson  pfp
Anders Elowsson
I often come back to this paper, it is like re-watching a good old movie
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Anders Elowsson  pfp
Anders Elowsson
This EIP research post provides the rationale for adjusting Ethereum’s issuance policy to use a reward curve with tempered issuance. It covers relevant trade-offs, reviews security considerations, and discusses the endgame.
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Anders Elowsson  pfp
Anders Elowsson
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Anders Elowsson  pfp
Anders Elowsson
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Anders Elowsson  pfp
Anders Elowsson
The deadline for academic grants is coming up. Here is a curve ball I added to the wishlist. Before joining the EF I spent many years developing ML architectures in academia, and I think the intersection is worthy of study (safety, possibilities, etc).
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Anders Elowsson  pfp
Anders Elowsson
In the third part, @barnabe digs deeper into the complexity that we decry on the restaking horizon. It is easy to envision various failure scenarios when reviewing these constructions, and interesting to contemplate various sources of information asymmetry.
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Anders Elowsson  pfp
Anders Elowsson
An important point from two fresh write-ups by @caspar and @ansgar.eth! We should give our users maximum ease of use and utility from their Ethereum money; not force them to either expend energy economizing on liquidity, or otherwise see their savings eroded.
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Anders Elowsson  pfp
Anders Elowsson
This is a nice framing and illustrates that value both can be provided by and provided to non-censoring participants in plenty of consensus designs.
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Anders Elowsson  pfp
Anders Elowsson
Interesting new research by @fradamt!
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Anders Elowsson  pfp
Anders Elowsson
How would you grade it?
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Anders Elowsson  pfp
Anders Elowsson
A good reason to replug my post with a candidate reward curve in Sec. 5.5 that tempers issuance and thus growth in the quantity of stake, while retaining consensus incentives under equilibrium
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Anders Elowsson  pfp
Anders Elowsson
This post analyzes how issuance level affects consensus incentives and reward variability in Ethereum. It provides a detailed analysis across potential reward curves.
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Anders Elowsson  pfp
Anders Elowsson
1. Minimum viable issuance is an important principle in staking economics. This thread will further advance the concept by analyzing how issuance level affects Ethereum’s equilibrium staking conditions, guiding us to a utility-maximizing reward curve.
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Anders Elowsson  pfp
Anders Elowsson
There is a great deal of ruin in a decentralized blockchain
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Anders Elowsson  pfp
Anders Elowsson
Whenever I kill a small animal, such as a mosquito, I always add a "sorry bro" in my head. Do you think this helps?
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