timbeiko.eth pfp



481 Following

timbeiko.eth pfp
We've received a ton of great applications for this role, thank you to everyone who applied so far 🙏 To make sure we can properly process things, we'll be closing the job posting to new applicants next Friday (Aug 2). Get your application in by then if you haven't already 📬
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timbeiko.eth pfp
Is there an equivalent to “the purpose of a system is what it does” for (meta)games/politics/coordination? I get that these are encapsulated by the idom, but looking for something that highlights the human side over the procedural/mechanistic one.
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timbeiko.eth pfp
My team at the EF, Protocol Support, is hiring someone for the first time in years to help us across all of the things: AllCoreDevs, the Ethereum Protocol Fellowship, Summer of Protocols, and more 😄 Apply here: https://jobs.lever.co/ethereumfoundation/60a70892-cea9-461e-9db2-199cb95f7d43 More info: https://paragraph.xyz/@timbeiko.eth/protocol-support-generalist-hire
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timbeiko.eth pfp
Trying something new to recap AllCoreDevs today: a proper summary on EthMagicians instead of the discord recap and tweetstorm 🧙‍♂️ The full recap is available here, with a TL;DR: https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/all-core-devs-execution-acde-call-192-july-18-2024/20565
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timbeiko.eth pfp
@cheeky-gorilla gave an excellent @protocolguild overview talk at /ethcc this week ⛓️🛡️🦍 Strongly recommend if you don't really understand how PG works 👀 https://ethcc.io/archive/Protocol-Guild-Funding-Core-Protocol-Stewardship
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timbeiko.eth pfp
Devcon is once again raising the bar on how to run Ethereum events: guaranteeing (discounted to free!) tickets to those who invest their time in growing & supporting Ethereum commons 🎟️👏 https://devcon.org/en/tickets/
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timbeiko.eth pfp
Why aren’t DAO delegates paid a % of the funds they have delegated to them, and then delegation being reset yearly? Seems like it would align incentives, and prevent checked out delegates from sticking around.
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timbeiko.eth pfp
Capture is usually described from the captured's PoV. Interesting exercise to think through what capture feels like from capturooor PoV. My best approx: it feels like kicking out the intransigent idealists in order to move the pragmatic solution forward, over and over.
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timbeiko.eth pfp
Confirming we managed to send out an update. We should have locked down all external access, but still confirming. Cross-post: https://x.com/timbeiko/status/1804721462407725441?s=46
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timbeiko.eth pfp
PSA: it seems like the mailing list provider the EF uses for "[email protected]" has been compromised. We are currently trying to reach sendpulse.com to resolve the issue. Please don't click any links sent from that email. Here's a sample fake email that was received:
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timbeiko.eth pfp
This should be fun: SoP & 0xPARC teaming up to try and make people better at imagining intersected futures 🌐 Kickoff tomorrow 🫡 https://summerofprotocols.com/protocol-week
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timbeiko.eth pfp
Another ACDE, another Twitter → threadreaderapp → ChatGPT → Paragraph → Farcaster Frame recap 🖼️🫡 https://paragraph.xyz/@timbeiko.eth/acde-190-recap
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timbeiko.eth pfp
Anyone want to build this 😄? MVP: an ERC20 template where 1% of supply is set to 0x25941dC771bB64514Fc8abBce970307Fb9d477e9 when deployed V2: function safeEnsurePGPledgeActive, which checks the supply every call and makes sure totalSupply <= totalPGPed * 100 https://x.com/bantg/status/1803776870216798363
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timbeiko.eth pfp
What is the best resource going deep into what parts of history were “predetermined” (IOW, had an obvious “adjacent possible” for the taking) vs. what parts were relatively unlikely or a product of luck ?
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timbeiko.eth pfp
booked a dinner reservation for 7:30 in SF and the restaurant emailed me back saying it was “on the later side” and asked if we wanted to expedite the meal 🤨
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timbeiko.eth pfp
Very cool: EthMagicians (or any discourse forum) threads straight in frames 🖼️! Thanks for the fast prototype, @chrisdom 👏
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timbeiko.eth pfp
ether.fi's contribution to @protocolguild is special for a few reasons: not only were they the first to announce they'd take part in the Pledge (!), or the largest $$$ donation to date (!!), but Mike soft-committed to it on the spot when I first mentioned the idea !!! x.com/MikeSilagadze/status/1799820516569567249
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timbeiko.eth pfp
Woah, @paragraph bot is quick! Enjoy the Twitter -> Threaderapp -> ChatGPT -> Paragraph'd ACDE recap 😄
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timbeiko.eth pfp
Related ask: anyone up to build an EthMagicians forum post (discourse) -> Farcaster frame viewer 👀?
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timbeiko.eth pfp
Is twitter -> threadreaderapp -> @paragraph -> warpcast still the best way to create frames out of tweetstorms 😅?
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