Nico.cast🎩  pfp
GA 🚾, sharing the alpha for @farquest: Farcaster Ecosystem RPG You complete quests to collect loot, rank up REP, etc. Claim a pass on to access it as soon as it launches! Question: which chain do you prefer for game items? Would love your feedback on the loot system.
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Nico.cast🎩  pfp
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Launchcaster pfp
You launched! Connect your wallet to edit the title and add a Launch NFT 🚀 Remember, anyone with a wallet can upvote. The top 10 launches go in the weekly digest 💌
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Nico.cast🎩  pfp
@jayme if I already did a @launch but forgot to add a product page can I do that later?
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Jayme Hoffman pfp
Jayme Hoffman
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