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Day 1 of my zone 2 training. @mw is it normal to keep the same hr the entire time with a constant pace and incline (resistance)? I actually dialed it up a bit at the end because my hr was starting to drop.
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Alberto Ornaghi
Are you sure 125 bpm is your correct zone2? The pace seems too slow to me. More like a zone1. How did you tested your max HR?
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I'm 49, and I think my max hr is 190. it gets in the 180s when I'm really going at it but haven't seen it higher. A number of sites stated Z2 to be between 60-70%, and Matt's site put zone 1 at 60%, so that's what I used. Between 114 and 133.
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Alberto Ornaghi
I’m 46 and my max HR is 190 (very similar to you). My Zone2 range is from 135 to 153. Today’s run was at pace 5:07/km (8:15/mile). Ok, I run a lot and I’m well trained, but 19/mile is less than walking You should reconsider your zones because 125 bpm will not help you building the stamina you are searching for.
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I don't trust anything pace related when in the gym, the treadmill said 16:15 and the watch was at 19. My watch z2 is 131+, so it recorded as all Z1. Here is from @mw site, a difference between hr zone and intensity zone. Matt, are we looking at the zone for my intended result correctly, 120bps-134bps?
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Matt Wilkins
Also like my article points out, HR zones (1-5) are different than intensity zones (1-3). There are even some methodologies that use a 7-zone system For aerobic conditioning, you should be in Z2 of HR zones or Z1 in intensity zones
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