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mk pfp
Hard truth: part of the challenge of ethOS will be to make it less like Android because Android kinda sucks.
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mk pfp
To all the Android lovers, don’t take this the wrong way. iOS sucks in some ways, like Siri for example, or file management. But it is more polished and has less friction in common use cases, and Android could too. I will always feel like ethOS sucks and needs to be better too.
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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
As much as I like the idea of ethOS. Getting people to switch phones or OS regardless of its quality is a tall order. Both Amazon and Facebook failed at it. Even getting people to switch browsers or installing an extension isn't the way.
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Timi pfp
In what ways does Android suck?
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ccarella pfp
Where to start here?
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ɃΞrn pfp
I hope you objectively build ethOS with the best stuff from both worlds, as the casts here don't read like that.
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Daniel Lombraña  pfp
Daniel Lombraña
Why does Android suck?
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Daniel Lombraña  pfp
Daniel Lombraña
Also the most interesting thing is that ethOS could not exists without Android. You can't build it with iOS, unless you just try to build your own OS from scratch. In all seriousness, this is again like the battle between Garmin vs iWatch. Two different purposes, two different clients. Choose the one that fits you.
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Leo Nasskau pfp
Leo Nasskau
Android is better than iOS, largely due to the customisability Typing from an iphone
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wake 🎩 pfp
wake 🎩
That and it helps escape the stigma of "just another" Android fork. Meaningful changes that improve the user experience are why I jailbreak. Android is leagues better now, but there's still a lot that agile devs can do to improve it. Exciting! Do you support Pixel 6 yet?
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markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp
markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
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so true
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Cameron pfp
It's a start! remember we're only a few years removed from really bad destkop dapps/metamask/L1 (terrible UX). If you can seed demand for an ethOS there's no reason longterm that you can't build from the ground up. If crypto is inevitable so is a crypto native mobile OS
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