Weh pfp
I am frustrated as hell. Not to give too much detail to a rage post, but I was given a cheap(sub-$400 in 2022) laptop in 2023, by someone who knew I already had a cheap laptop and was trying to fix my $2k+ beast desktop for media production. I refused several times, making sure it could afford to give it up. Over nine months later, it was apparently a loaner despite no previous language of "I want it back later" or "lend", "loan", etc, and the fact that I had to pay to get it here and put labor and nominal parts cost into it to get it working on my end. Why should I have to update people on the status of gifts I sold to meet the specified purpose of getting my desktop back online?
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Connor McCormick ☀️ pfp
Connor McCormick ☀️
That’s not ok wtf
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PulsechainisREALdefi pfp
WTF... people are the worst. The fake help that people hand out could make you scream. Think you should give it back once they pay for the upgrades
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