Wilson Cusack pfp
Wilson Cusack
Ok guys I got a Miele. Installed today. Seeing my dishes truly clean for the first time in months... sublime.
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Distinguished Degenerate pfp
Distinguished Degenerate
Used to be a miele tech. Some words of advice: Run a monthly hot wash with no dishes in it to give it a clean out. Check the bottom filter weekly. If you are using powder only use half the recommended amount. Use auto or eco cycle and dont turn on the turbo or whatever to speed it up.
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Distinguished Degenerate pfp
Distinguished Degenerate
Also @wilsoncusack you dont need to fully rinse everything off. Good to leave oils and sauces and shit to give the detergent something to eat. Just get rid of any solid shit that will not break down in water (solids, rice, seeds, bones etc)
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