Distinguished Degenerate pfp

Distinguished Degenerate


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Distinguished Degenerate pfp
Distinguished Degenerate
Merchant Moe’s is doing about $5-10m in volume daily. That means they’re taking around $3,750 a day in fees. $1m+ annual revenue and a mc of ~$10m, FDV of ~$70m. We will see double digit yields that are paid in YIELD BEARING ETH. Expect revenue to grow with liquidity book, Puff ch. 3 & INIT’s token launch. IYKYK
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Distinguished Degenerate pfp
Distinguished Degenerate
I really think the Empire podcast must have lost their listeners so much money in opportunity cost. All to sound smart being hyper critical of everything. Someone had to fill the soy boy beta cuck roles & everyone thought it would be Bankless. Then, a new hero emerges. Santi could be the king of underperformance.
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Distinguished Degenerate pfp
Distinguished Degenerate
Warpcast is honestly too sophisticated for an ape like myself
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Distinguished Degenerate pfp
Distinguished Degenerate
People saying no new innovations have come out of defi in a long time but now you can: USE MANTLE FOR <$0.3 PER TX LP YIELD BEARING USD & ETH EARN & STAKE MOE YIELDS EARN STAKED ETH FROM STAKED MOE Earn ETH yield, 5% interest rate from the treasury, LP fees, protocol incentives and have your rewards auto-compound.
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Distinguished Degenerate pfp
Distinguished Degenerate
You will soon be able to stake MOE on Merchant Moes (Trader Joes fork on Mantle) and earn fees in staked ETH. The first asset to yield ultrasound money.
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Distinguished Degenerate pfp
Distinguished Degenerate
The midcurves have landed. You are no longer early.
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