Content pfp
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matt pfp
OrchidORM is one of those tools I can't praise enough. It deserves way more exposure, as the author works tirelessly to build likely the best ORM for Node.js there is. This is not just some query builder, this is the real shit!
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matt pfp
The author is quick to reply to questions and has a wealth of knowledge in RDBMS, and has build something so powerful and simple to use, it's a joy. Currently, I'm pushing it to its limit building faceted nav and nested queries, and I'm yet to eject once to raw SQL. Works great with Next.js and Supabase.
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alex pfp
Have you used drizzle? Haven’t tried orchid, curious how they compare
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Akira Wu 🎩 pfp
Akira Wu 🎩
Wow thanks for sharing! Gonna try this out
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