Josh Stark pfp
Josh Stark
I think of "users don't care about decentralization" as being similar to "consumers don't care about what's in their food"
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Mac Budkowski 🥝 pfp
Mac Budkowski 🥝
15 years ago, users didn't care about privacy. Now it's the main Apple selling point. I predict the same will happen with decentralization.
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Emmanuel🦉⌐◨-◨🎩🍥 pfp
The key thing about Apple is that they, for a time period, heavily positioned themselves as having better privacy offerings than BlackBerry, which was the apparent pinnacle of privacy in consumer mobile at the time. Users didn’t understand or care for privacy but they cared for a guarantee better than BlackBerry.
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Harper pfp
interesting take i like it
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jimmy pfp
interesting. i wonder if privacy in crypto will become mainstream 🤔
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