jp 🎩
over the last months, ive certainly and definitely abused smoking weed. each day when woking up ended up being a lethargy on which i saw myself and thought that haunting thought: yesterday was another day on which i smoked regardless of how. or when. or why. it happened. and it has been a silent killer of my self worth. and im done with it yesterday i smoked the last flowers i had. i just threw away my pipe. and im getting ready for going for a 5k run no regrets. no hard feelings. all an ongoing process of learning about myself, about my tendencies, and about my willingness to evolve through my own experience if you want to give up a habit that is killing you, make it easy for yourself. i won’t be buying more. i won’t have the bong on my office. and i will replace the relief that it brought with a psychologist and i will commit inside me to integrate all the aspects of myself that made me abuse like i have abused and move on lock in and focus this year is going to be a blast gm
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logonaut.eth 🎩 ツ ↑ 🍖
appreciate you sharing this, jp. in early july last year i stopped taking yet another ineffective prescription antidepressant and started taking a moderate dose of thc/cbd (gummies) up to three times a day, almost every day since then. while the persistent angst and irritability i was experiencing have abated significantly, there definitely have been tradeoffs — i already struggled with focus, drive, and remaining task oriented, and that’s probably gotten worse. but it’s hard to ignore the greater enjoyment of life from moment to moment, no longer having my last thought before sleep at night being “i hope i don’t wake up” and my first thought on waking in the morning being “fuck, i’m still here.” i think cannabis might have saved my life, but not without some psychic cost.
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jp 🎩
agh man i felt strong goosebumps reading this. the struggle is real. and yes, cannabis also opened my eyes into a different way of living, and im extremely grateful for that. what's the next step then? i have psylocibin mushrooms here next to me, ready to start microdosing. have you tried that yet? im thinking of this episode as i write this
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