anon pfp
This is why $ANON won't pump. The cabal are selling you their tokens via Uniswap positions.
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↑langchain 🎩  pfp
↑langchain 🎩
Liquidity is the hand that feeds you. Room temp IQ takes like bc you don’t like to buy or sell into low slippage.
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Monteluna pfp
Monthly cast where we have to explain to degens how concentrated liquidity actually works lmao
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Mental Wealth Academy 💠 pfp
Mental Wealth Academy 💠
Didn't know a random take was an IQ test. Think OP is just pointing out the thing that's obvious to people losing the PvP battle. Ad hominem is never helpful in online debates either. This is exactly why people outside of crypto don't want to join.... Because people who understand some technical and economic terminology more than others always have a name, label, and piece of poop to fling.
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