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Part of the reason why CT is in shambles right now is because it tends to be mostly geeks and mops, with sociopaths that come in waves (eg. SBF) But this is the first time that the subculture has been “embraced” by a sociopath of this caliber Half the crowd sees this as a good thing — a sign of growth and mainstream adoption to come! The other half sees a subculture that is being exploited and may not control the narrative anymore. And at worst may cease to exist in accordance to its founding values Ethereum in particular is in a tough place because it most embodies the eternalistic naïveté that draws meaning from the subculture. Whereas Solana early on embraced the nihilism that makes it attractive to sociopaths I’m not exactly sure where we go from here, but I’m trying to hold onto the “beautiful New Thing” while adjusting my priors to account for the increased realism to come
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Both are true - The US president launching a token will drive massive adoption (and likely pain as he dumps on retail) - Ethereum has an identity crisis Personally, I’m relieved that Solana is seen as the home of degens and gamblers. But Ethereum should recognise that it doesn’t need to compete on those terms or at that level. I wish the community focused more on impact—meaningful innovation and applications—rather than chasing vanity metrics, and adjust the narrative to reflect its strengths.
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Hard to be heads down building meaningful things when your contemporaries are getting screaming rich playing zero-sum games I agree with you, fwiw. But it's literally this meme
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There do arise opportunities to get rich doing the right thing and they are really sweet
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"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
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