androidsixteen pfp



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androidsixteen pfp
The absence of good blockchain VMs isn't because we haven't been rescued from the EVM by a better architecture It's because we are eager for crypto networks to do too much, too early The VMs are garbage because there's not enough adoption. We need to build apps that work well given their current limitations first
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androidsixteen pfp
The irony of AI is that while crypto wants you to be exit liquidity, LLM firms want you to be training data (ie. input liquidity) At least crypto is up front about wanting to dump on you, it’s harder to reason about the trade-offs of being training data
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androidsixteen pfp
I'll tell my kids this song was actually about Ether denominations
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androidsixteen pfp
People like cold plunges because they spike norepinephrine, which leads to a feeling of alertness and has other benefits like increasing fat loss But my intuition tells me that activating your fear/stress mechanisms so abruptly would also age you faster Human body temperature rarely step changes in nature, consistently
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androidsixteen pfp
We had the weird beef between rich dudes Now we got the weird beef between the top two FC intern accounts:
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androidsixteen pfp
I noticed that after the recent feed algo change, my cast outcomes are more bimodal Meaning before the change, I'd get about 20-30 likes consistently Now, it's either 7 likes or a 50+ banger, which is kinda jarring. But oddly motivating
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androidsixteen pfp
Weird seeing a Bluesky post with thousands of likes (I don't use it at all) Is this common? Does Bluesky have that much of an adoption lead over Farcaster?
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androidsixteen pfp
Only 22 auto-follows? This airdrop sucks, project is a scam Dev needs to make things right for the COMMUNITY Otherwise I will continue to COMPLAIN in the Discord
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androidsixteen pfp
Fundraising is fake work First-time founders spend too much time optimizing their cap tables or get enamored courting investors It's only a means to end. Find a good, mission-aligned lead, get some follow-on funds and angels, and close! That way you can get back to the real work — building a great product
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49 reactions

androidsixteen pfp
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androidsixteen pfp
Wake up babe, new beef between weird rich guys just dropped
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androidsixteen pfp
ETH ETF was the platonic ideal of “buy the rumor, sell the news”
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androidsixteen pfp
The main counterpoint I’ve seen to gradual reform being possible is that societies go through cycles (eg. 4 turnings or Dalio’s great debt cycles) The key thing is that it’s unidirectional. Ie. You can only go from fall to winter, never back to summer So we must progress through some form of nadir before any denouement (preferably non-violent) Wdyt @mazmhussain?
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9 reactions

androidsixteen pfp
Every month, a new VC discovers Farcaster and casts thought leadership for about a week And then crickets… Pro tip - just show up, vibe, and stick around. No grand thesis or show of excitement needed, just good energy and consistency ↑
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androidsixteen pfp
Europe is hellbent on fumbling whatever remnants of the bag they have left
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androidsixteen pfp
Interesting how the decentralized social media “category” is starting to take more root So far, we’ve had unique breakout moments for Farcaster, Friend tech, etc, but I suspect the entire category will become part of the main narrative set soon
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androidsixteen pfp
There is a lost art of staying put in one place Most people nowadays (especially the higher classes) are traveling frequently - for vacations, conferences, toggling between summer/winter homes, etc. There are certain things you only perceive when you stay in one place. Particularly things related to nature’s rhythms
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androidsixteen pfp
Also filed under: “album covers that go hard”
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androidsixteen pfp
@dwr.eth - you ask frequently how could DCs be better The overarching issue is the tiny bits of feature incompleteness like this. It’s death by a thousand cuts in a commoditized category and Telegram as the main competitor has built its reputation via its polished UI The Warpcast DC MVP needs to be brought up to parity to be able to do more than weak retention
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androidsixteen pfp
Been afk traveling and came back to group chats with 99+ messages But have to manually scroll to the bottom while new messages refresh multiple times 😮‍💨 Please add a ⬇️ button for when we need to declare DC bankruptcy 🙏 cc @deodad @blockheim
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