androidsixteen pfp



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androidsixteen pfp
This is the real UBI we've been waiting for: Universal Based Income Imagine a world where every American can have their own L3 with a white picket fence (provided by Conduit for $50/mo) This is the American dream 🇺🇸 h/t @kia.eth
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androidsixteen pfp
NYC for Farcon 2025 is a bad option The larger crypto community already jokes that Farcaster is just Brooklyn Coinbase alumni or “western white leftists” Tokyo is better because it shows the actual breadth of FC (even if NYC is more convenient for us)
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androidsixteen pfp
Simple heuristic in crypto — only work with or back people with NPS ~ 100 Character risk (and by extension counterparty risk) are undervalued, as the tech or TAM end up nerdsniping people Especially important in bull markets
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androidsixteen pfp
Study Tony
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androidsixteen pfp
One more clue for @six It’s not Kyle - he is the salami highlander There can be only one, and he’s still alive This joke would also hit better on CT, but alas here we are with me, a discount balloon lover
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androidsixteen pfp
- When someone says gm, remember to say gm back
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androidsixteen pfp
I guess we’re at the part of the cycle where main characters start to have a bad time Means PvP mode is coming
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androidsixteen pfp
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androidsixteen pfp
Bankless 🤝 shitty cryptosystems Being dunked on
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androidsixteen pfp
The cryptocurrency movement started off as cypherpunks on a mailing list geeking out about tech that aligned with their values Now, the space gets interest from endowments, family offices, foundations, etc. Everything is a story at heart and if a story gets big enough, it becomes reality
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androidsixteen pfp
The remarkable thing about EigenLayer is that they find narratives that were too early in crypto and bring them to market at the right time - merge mining -> restaking - polkadot -> shared security - augur -> intersubjective work token Any bets on what’s next?
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androidsixteen pfp
I’m a simple robot - I visit California, I get Philz coffee
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androidsixteen pfp
Onchain organizations as a replacement term for DAOs Nothing autonomous about most of these “DAOs”
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androidsixteen pfp
This guy ships
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androidsixteen pfp
Nature abhors a crab vacuum Finance abhors a CLOB vacuum
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androidsixteen pfp
Selection bias is a hell of a drug
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androidsixteen pfp
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androidsixteen pfp
Heterogeneity is 🔑 Clients need to be distinct from each other and expose the underlying data in different ways Protocol texture needs to be rich enough to permit multiple $B businesses to thrive Short-term it’s a hell of a hill to climb Long-term what could be more textured than human connection? Bullish
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androidsixteen pfp
Narratives = cyclical Primitives = evergreen Fade anyone who can’t tell them apart ZK is just the latest litmus test
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androidsixteen pfp
As usual @cassie keeping it 💯
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