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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
Founder Archetypes: Jack Sparrow vs. James Bond PG has proposed James Bond as a model of what you're looking for in startup co-founders. The idea is that being calm, resourceful, and effective in a variety of adverse situations is more important than extreme competence in some single domain. I love the directional point, but I think that James Bond can be a pretty intimidating archetype: He is known for not only succeeding, but doing so always with style and charm. I think this is like asking everyone to be a great dancer. I recently watched Pirates of the Caribbean for the first time and it struck me that Jack Sparrow is another interesting model for founders: + He's confident he can run circles around the incumbent (the British Empire) since they've become too rigid and stodgy. + He's light-hearted in near death situations, since pirates are already default-dead. + He's fast-acting, rather than cautious, since he trusts his ability to wiggle out of bad situations when they arise.
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kia pfp
very cool framing not a founder but there're times where i'm max sparrowing inside but act james bondy externally and somehow that makes people trust more and stay collected (in big organizations that are passed their 'start up' phase).
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androidsixteen pfp
Agent in the streets Pirate in the sheets
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
Totally agree! Had this same thought that best strategy is to sometimes be Sparrow and appear Bond (if you can’t be Bond)
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