timdaub 🥝 pfp
timdaub 🥝
read up on some of the recent finance stuff Balaji and others have published and it is pretty scary indeed… bunch of unprecedented events playing out in parallel How do u guys parse this stuff? Where is he wrong, where right?
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kenny 🎩 pfp
kenny 🎩
he's generally right about the facts around the unprecedented events playing out in parallel imo I think his predictions about where we go from here are as good as anyone's random guess, but he's spot on that this is a Big Deal
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timdaub 🥝 pfp
timdaub 🥝
I‘m not sure I agree with his take that bailing out banks with cash for their unrealized losses is increasing the money supply. A friend and I thought this through, and you‘d have to run the exact accounting math to understand. The Fed is buying cash vaults (Bonds & MBSs) at a discount. Could contract money supply.
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