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kenanie.eth pfp
I ain’t gonna lie. Base so far seems to have the most rugs and I gotta ask what the founders are doing to combat it. Cos if the current state of things continue, base would lose the trust of crypto users and be tagged a rug chain, which would affect the reputation & performance of the ecosystem
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Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
Interesting perspective, what solutions do you have in mind to combat rugs? I think the surge of rugs can be explained by the short-term accumulation of value, which base chain seems to be a leader right now, time will pass rugs will move to the newer hottest thing. As they usually do.
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kenanie.eth pfp
I had a conversation with my friend yesterday and we pointed out that Base could be the BSC of this bull run. My friend pointed out that the major mistake Binance made was allowing everyone to be able to create smart contracts. In my opinion, the mistake was not finding a way to regulate the creation (contd)
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kenanie.eth pfp
Of smart contracts on the chain. I think something Base can try to curtail these rugs is the use of DID (decentralized identity). That way, rugs could be linked to certain identities. Another way is blacklisting wallets that are notorious for rugs. Using token sniffer, we can see what addresses have rugged in the past
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Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
For sure, measures such as not allowing anyone to create smart contracts will have the maximum effect to curtail rugs. It's also something that a lot of ppl would be against. As most effective solutions degrade the idea of "permissionless" which theoretically is critical for the popularity of a blockchain.
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