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kenanie.eth pfp
I ain’t gonna lie. Base so far seems to have the most rugs and I gotta ask what the founders are doing to combat it. Cos if the current state of things continue, base would lose the trust of crypto users and be tagged a rug chain, which would affect the reputation & performance of the ecosystem
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Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
Interesting perspective, what solutions do you have in mind to combat rugs? I think the surge of rugs can be explained by the short-term accumulation of value, which base chain seems to be a leader right now, time will pass rugs will move to the newer hottest thing. As they usually do.
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Booth Templeton 🎩🍖✨ pfp
Booth Templeton 🎩🍖✨
have you ever tried to use Solana or BSC? Far more rugs.
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