keccers pfp
Btw I got menaced by a tweaker on my way to work so loving the bike much less People keep telling me to buy a gun It’s not a reasonable thing to tell a person BUT it is directionally accurate I found self defense classes instead of just going to Walmart and buying gun
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ȷď𝐛𝐛 pfp
Dang sorry bike already spoilered and cognitive load of constant safety checks so costly Tae kwon do was my gun alternate 🫤 back in the day and punching/kicking bag training underrated lol. Now live in a small rural college town and (almost) never think about personal safety #tradeoffs
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keccers pfp
Personal safety vigilance to this degree is new to me too and I’ve lived in either Chicago or NYC my entire adult life :( My cope is that the skills are good skills no matter where I live
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ȷď𝐛𝐛 pfp
Interesting, is it Austin then where the dangers feel more present compared to Chi and NYC? And yeah I’d go out on a limb and say we’d all do well to spend some time in a martial art for the life skills. I later switched to tai chi where there’s a saying something like “carry a knife but no one should know” ie don’t draw attention by *looking* badass, just have that internal reserve avail
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