How much is too much to spend on groceries? The USDA does produce a monthly reference point for this. They’ve created 4 different food plans that represent a well rounded diet: thrifty, low, moderate, and liberal cost, and provide updated data monthly as to how much it costs to follow those plans, per person in household Pictured is the latest report — January’s totals reported on in February. Thrifty is in its own table
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Groceries for a family of 4 would be insane especially considering this is an average and families are likely to spend more. But i’m a data crazy person so this is fun to look at lol. But are these prices reasonable especially when compared to the minimum wage over there? How many working families can actually afford the moderate or liberal plans?
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It’s tough and getting harder for families. Easy $1k a month.
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I could plot out food inflation cost using this data, tempted to. Food has inflated really fast here far outstripping salary growth. Not sure how many people are having affordability issues though — a lot
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Exact same thing happening in my country and maybe even worse. Within the past year alone food prices have skyrocketed and salaries have remained the same. Labour unions protested for a 1400% increase in minimum wage which may seem excessive but is honestly the right amount needed to actually sustain a person now and the govt only agreed on a 120% increase which I dont even think they have implemented yet. So a lot of families are finding it very difficult to feed.
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