Katherine pfp
Sling looks awesome, the most consumer friendly thing I’ve seen out of crypto in a long time Is Solana 🔑 to Sling’s user friendliness? Like, is there any reason this isn’t on Base (other than having to have higher txn fees) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHnhWXbcBEE
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Royal pfp
Isn't this just https://daimo.xyz/? The on-ramp rails and KYC component is probably the UX unlock for end users but the commentary around "only on Solona" feels a bit disingenuous. Everything is technically portable between SOL and EVM AFAICT
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dawufi pfp
Can't watch now so bookmarked, but politics for sure. As always. Would be curious what @jessepollak has to say tho
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Chukwuka Osakwe pfp
Chukwuka Osakwe
Guy starts by saying this could only be possible on Solana, I sit up and listen hoping he's not wildly exaggerating.
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Chukwuka Osakwe pfp
Chukwuka Osakwe
This, btw, reminds me a lot of something that demoed at SafeCon earlier this year but I just can't remember the name, any chance you can?
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
This product is extremely well made. I gave it a try with that QR code. For me, the truly unique feature here is the sling link, which lets you message a link of USDC that someone can actually instantly withdraw *without signing up for sling* That last part is cool. Limited to $150 per send atm tho.
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accountless pfp
“we run this giant hot wallet…in the center” 👀
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Stephan pfp
I’ve been calling for this for a while and I’m so glad someone is doing it right. No reason it can’t be built on an ethereum L2, but the fact that they are on solana is big for solana https://x.com/stephancill/status/1464532432032571392?s=20 https://x.com/stephancill/status/1464540212969758722?s=20
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emre pfp
my thoughts: - # of transactions on Solana is much much higher compared to all L2s. - it's cheap - there's enough stablecoin supply data: app.artemis.xyz/
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AwedJob 🎩 pfp
AwedJob 🎩
Thank you for sharing this. It’s been a year since I’ve mucked about with Solana. Perhaps I’ll give sling a go.
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