Antonio GarcÃa MartÃnez
The weird thing about Telegram is that for all of Pavel's talk of privacy, it's not end-to-end encrypted like WhatsApp and Signal. If The Blob is giving him grief for not going along with warrants, he could just encrypt, only offer traffic data like FB/Apple, and that's that.
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Kieran Daniels 🎩
I understand now that telegram isn’t encrypted but didn’t we all think it was for years? When did it come out it wasn’t or was that just something I was confused about
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dusan.framedl.eth 🎩
i thought everyone knew this. i was surprised to learn how many people use it as a primary tool for comms.
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Kieran Daniels 🎩
I have no idea when I was told this but it was like a collective shock that it wasn’t. Also isn’t Signal proven to be fed backdoored now?
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dusan.framedl.eth 🎩
is it? well, that would shock me for a change 😅 iirc durov has been the one attacking signal. i don't particularly like him and this campaign to make a martyr out of him feels fishy.
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Kieran Daniels 🎩
I might just be totally wrong about that too I don’t know anything anymore haha Quick google it seems like it name from him maybe
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dusan.framedl.eth 🎩
yep, came to the same google result 😀 if he'd been honest and serious about his claims, he'd make telegram e2ee by default. this is just a stunt.
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