kat ✨ pfp

kat ✨


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kat ✨ pfp
kat ✨
haha yeah he’s fantastic, i saw him a few years ago and he just carried the entirety of the wall on his own
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kat ✨ pfp
kat ✨
planning to do a west coast drive through california/oregon/washington then fly across to colorado and new york — and then back to LA because apparently I need to do a driving test before they’ll give me a license :’) please sir I’m too old to do this again
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kat ✨ pfp
kat ✨
speaking of winter, will be arriving in the US as a permanent resident for the first time in aug/sept! will be relocating mid-2024 so this is a scouting trip to find a city to move to — taking bids/comments/suggestions for how to best use the time (and survive the heat)
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kat ✨ pfp
kat ✨
started having to layer up an unprecedented amount on higher elevation hikes and attributed it to an especially brutal winter but nope, it’s just my TSH…what kinda brain worms do I have that I buy a thermal sleeping bag liner instead of just checking my thyroid levels
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kat ✨ pfp
kat ✨
somehow related: I saw a neighbour indicating as they left their parking spot in the garage and it made me question whether I should be doing this too; I’ll indicate when exiting a spot in a shopping centre or something, but not in my own garage…there’s only one exit
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kat ✨ pfp
kat ✨
curious about the benign choices that interrupt my consciousness and force me to confront my perception of myself, e.g. in an outlandish act of self-parody, I have started bringing a shoehorn to the gym (useful if you change shoes 2/3 times during training!), and every time I use it I feel like a caricature of myself
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kat ✨ pfp
kat ✨
Haha I do wonder what they would’ve made after The Wall if he’d stayed, and how it would have landed — I love his solo stuff but concept albums don’t translate amazingly to radio play…although I did once play all ~26minutes of SOYCD on a graveyard shift because I needed to leave the studio to run to the loo
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kat ✨ pfp
kat ✨
I struggle with fiction in audiobook form but anything cixin liu (that man has great ideas but needs an editor SO BAD; I know I’m not missing much if I accidentally tune out), max barry is fun and light I tend to prefer biography/history; the structure makes them easier to follow — helen zia, lea ypi, iris chang
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kat ✨ pfp
kat ✨
Sorry last one haha from your other comments it seems like persistence/comfort at the gym seems to be a blocker, so this may be out of left field — would you consider martial arts classes? Most of it is conditioning! I did Muay Thai with a private instructor and he had gym equipment on site that we used as well
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kat ✨ pfp
kat ✨
Helps to think about what environment/structure would help you sustain a training habit, e.g. a PT/coach, a class, public humiliation/stickK, an event (marathon, race, etc.), training with friends, joining a sports team?
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kat ✨ pfp
kat ✨
sorry for the bajillion replies I’ve just seen so many people go through this and quit because they think something is wrong with them but gyms aren’t for everyone — the best way to get ripped is to find something personally sustainable and enjoyable; willpower only gets you so far (and it’s not your fault!!)
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kat ✨ pfp
kat ✨
most gyms will give you a tour and maybe a free PT sesh on sign-up! Machines have instructions on them and often isolate specific muscle groups so I suggest asking them to show you how to use the free weights section — compound movements like squat, deadlift, pull-ups are more efficient unless you’re a bodybuilder
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kat ✨ pfp
kat ✨
methodology-wise would recommend working with a coach to define goals and set expectations! otherwise can be at best unsustainable, at worst self-annihilating :’) self-guided training is hard; lots of info out there, but not all of it is relevant, e.g. bodybuilders and powerlifters have vastly different requirements
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kat ✨ pfp
kat ✨
Pete Wentz!!! Unwelcome flashback to the first ‘leaked nude’ I ever saw; I was 10? 11? My friend was really into FOB and she sent me a picture ostensibly of Pete Wentz. Sorry Mr Wentz I didn’t mean to look! I did not know what file I was opening as there was no message preview in those days 🙈
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kat ✨ pfp
kat ✨
Absolutely; a photo of John Malkovich doesn’t do him justice!! I actually thought Syd/Rick Wright were more attractive, but crushes are more than appearances haha a) I am a bass player at heart, and b) much as I love Meddle (the last whole ‘Pink Floyd’ album), the Waters-era high concept albums are a level-up
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kat ✨ pfp
kat ✨
Haha I’ll bite: the artist formerly known as Mos Def, Mia Kirshner, Maggie Cheung, Gillian Anderson, John Malkovich (I don’t understand either)...when I was a kid I was obsessed with Lisa from the Saddle Club and ??? Roger Waters of Pink Floyd fame, Live at Pompeii era (very very weird kid, I cannot defend myself)
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kat ✨ pfp
kat ✨
topping my class 😈…AHEM it’s hard to sum up (academia doesn’t train for concision) but the degree was a vindication of my…self and my choices? (rough time in hs, almost didn’t graduate; long story) OR the essay as the platform for evaluation; unlike the exam, I can respect the form as a measure of myself
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kat ✨ pfp
kat ✨
depends where the confirmation comes from, and proximity — if the aliens are ‘out there’ versus imminent threat. if from a human source, probably like covid (scope for doubt) but if we’re hearing this directly from the aliens rather than earth world leaders then…cargo cults? mortal panic.
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kat ✨ pfp
kat ✨
i actually bring up vine in conversation so frequently that i can identify the last time i thought about and mentioned it before this (last night when the bouldering gym receptionist asked me to watch a 3min induction video) 🥲 RIP indeed, gone but never forgotten
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
RIP Vine 😭
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