Karthik Senthil
What's FC sentiment on Solana?
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Colin Johnson ðŸ’
Seems like it lured lots of opportunistic dev talent rather than philosophically aligned dev talent. For that reason, it feels fragile to me.
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Karthik Senthil
Curious how you discern the difference between the two? Just about every crypto ecosystem has lured opportunistcally either explictly or implicitly, no?
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Colin Johnson ðŸ’
In a very abstract sense, sure, but I think the Ethereum legendarium - thanks in large part to @vitalik.eth ‘s humility - attracts and keeps more talent that’s emotionally lured rather than financially. Would be interested in seeing GitHub code commit volume post-SBF.
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Karthik Senthil
To some degree. 99% of nft projects on eth are opportunity-focused (which is why VB is largely not a fan). Id say most Solana devs are similarly there bc of Anatoly, not SBF. But obv Solana dies if devs leave - will be fascinating to watch
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Colin Johnson ðŸ’
Here’s some positive Solana news for a little balance: https://twitter.com/vitalikbuterin/status/1608591727316684804?s=46&t=29I45y7VBSa4Hxc5ojaP_Q
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