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Kyle Mathews pfp
Kyle Mathews
My increasing conviction is that LLMs are just another tool in the product/engineering/startup toolkit — they're just too easy to use to be a moat. There's lots of tricks you can learn but they're easy to learn and immediately & widely copied. So the alpha remains in product sense and solving hard problems.
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Kyle Mathews pfp
Kyle Mathews
LLMs enable basically fuzzy logic functions — functions are easy to write — the magic is in combining them.
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July pfp
Honestly I couldn’t agree more. Foundational models are going to become monetized overtime and there’s no way that it’s going to be amount in any capacity. As you said, the real products are going to emerge from careful thought and conviction behind product and solving real problems
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Callum Wanderloots ✨ pfp
Callum Wanderloots ✨
Completely agree. This is where everyone went a bit misdirected imo with the GPTs. Wrapping an LLM just indicates to the original model that it’s worth implementing internally and the wrapper becomes instantly less effective
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BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑ pfp
BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑
This might be missing the point that those LLMs might soon be better in building the product … … and more importantly, be better in finding what products to build 🫣🤷‍♂️
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