BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑ pfp

BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑


1169 Following

BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑ pfp
BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑
Have you seen @redhot.eth videos on @drakula 👀? They’re fire 🔥
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BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑ pfp
BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑
Not doing much in here today but I did up Alfa stakes on my channel - so subscribers enjoy better rewards 😉
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BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑ pfp
BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑
Some 2k degen left to tip - show me the latest pic on your phone camera - after all it's weekend, so it should be fun! I'll start below ...
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BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑ pfp
BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑
Ok, this was a bit unplanned but since @metadavid broght in his sister - I felt we need to give her a proper welcome! 👍 So with last degen (for now) I bought @farrah-dyer token on @drakula
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BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑ pfp
BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑
Aren't the money streams mesmerising 😇 🥰 💰
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BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑ pfp
BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑
maybe silly question - but I can tip $fomo to anyone on Warpcast and they'll receive their points during the airdrop - much the same way as $degen, right?
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BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑ pfp
BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑
Seems like I'm becoming earlier and earlier 😀
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BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑ pfp
BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑
Still believe in creators and getting them from other platforms to Drakula - that's why I just bought @willbutler token on @drakula
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BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑ pfp
BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑
Why are gas fees for subscribing and unsubscribing so high @alfafrens ? 80 Degenx seems a lot
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BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑ pfp
BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑
And probably the last one for today - sorry - but is there a way to change my channel parameters? Like subscription fee / rewards? And will it change even for already subscribed fans? (unwanted)
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BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑ pfp
BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑
Interesting observation - you can subscribe to your own channel 🤔 🤓 why would that be possible? Any secret hints @alfafrens ?
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BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑ pfp
BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑
Take it easy in the early days of AlfaFrens - the info and reality is skewed to big accounts that got here first, your crowd may not be here just yet 😇 - Once anyone who wants can get in, then we'll see if it has longer legs and can last as a platform. Even survived couple of months on hype only
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BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑ pfp
BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑
What do degens think? 🧐
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BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑ pfp
BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑
What cool effects 🧐 would separate Degen-farcaster client have … on quality of Warpcast content 👀🔥 (I think that would work for everyone)
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BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑ pfp
BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑
One fine Based & Yellow collector here 🔥 👏 Anyone else?
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BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑ pfp
BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑
Hello frens, if anyone wants complete Based & Yellow set here's the chance! You can free mint all on Zora link here: Or any degen tip >333 per piece will get you an airdrop 😉 Don't be shy to share that you have them all (psst it's 7 of them)
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BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑ pfp
BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑
gm gm ☕️ fam Positive weekend vibes are back ☀️🕶️ Where are you on @alfafrens - let’s stake, subscribe and chat 😉
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BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑ pfp
BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑
The 6th and the last piece from 6 part series of Based & Yellow Make Green (and go HIGHER ↑↑↑) Get the whole series and get rewarded 😉 Just post proof and tag me! Any tip >333 Degen will get you an airdropped piece!
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BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑ pfp
BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑
hey gang - @jacek and @wake - quick question: My MM got compromised, all things gone (my stupidity, so no need for sympathy) ... but is there a way to change the Season 3 claim from my old wallet to a new clean one? Thanks
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BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑ pfp
BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑
Do you know that itchy feeling 😇 when it's Friday and you know you can spend some time working and playing around during the weekend because fam is away 🤩🔥 Yeah, that's my plan 🫡
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