Joe L pfp

Joe L


33 Following

Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
I'm really proud that ethereum does not have any culture of trying to prevent people from speaking their minds, even when they have very negative feelings toward major things in the protocol or ecosystem. Some wave the ideal of "open discourse" as a flag, some take it seriously.
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2010 reactions

fredwilson pfp
Hi Casters. I've started a series of blog posts called "I've Moved Onchain" explaining why I'm not on any web2 social platforms anymore. The first post came out today and is about blogging.
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Joe L pfp
Joe L
lets go! joelallouz.eth
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0 reaction pfp
fuck it, pre-game token follow, recast, and drop your wallet by May 9th 6pm UTC to qualify for $AIRDROP don’t overthink it
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
EigenLayer AMA with @sreeramkannan next week!
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Joe L pfp
Joe L
zn. cm6 brethren.
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Matt Galligan pfp
Matt Galligan
XMTP is getting Universal Allow/Block Prefs (✅/🛑) and I’m stoked. You can read the technical details of XIP-42 here (, but I also wanted to share what went into it and how it makes the /xmtp experience way better. So what is it? 👇
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Henri Stern Ꙫ pfp
Henri Stern Ꙫ
1/ Today, we are launching @privy's first mobile SDK Native apps have a big role to play as crypto developers come to meet users where they are. Most users’ first experience of crypto will be (must be) mobile. Starting today, react native developers can now integrate Privy with our new Expo SDK 👐 !
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Saul Carlin pfp
Saul Carlin
This weekend, some @xmtp users, team members, and developers got hit by phishing attempts from vanity addresses (such as “0x0000…0000”) meant to look like the Ethereum null (or burn) address. That actual null address is controlled by nobody and can never send messages on XMTP.
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Joe L pfp
Joe L
Worth noting this type of hosting from home is (annoyingly) a breach of many ISPs consumer contracts. Not that it really gets enforced.
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Joe L pfp
Joe L
I’m still figuring it out as well.
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Joe L pfp
Joe L
Checking out dm if you want an invite.
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Joe L pfp
Joe L
dtf. Iykyk.
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Joe L pfp
Joe L
I just minted Base Day One, celebrating the start of @base bringing billions of people onchain. GM Base.
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Joe L pfp
Joe L
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Joe L pfp
Joe L
Love to see it! 💪
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Joe L pfp
Joe L
Allowing Presents summer mixtape from July, bleed into August this weekend.
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Joe L pfp
Joe L
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Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
If you don't have a multisig or social recovery wallet, imo the next best is to split up your seedphrase with a "poor man's 2-of-3": chunk 1 is top + middle, chunk 2 is middle + bottom, chunk 3 is bottom + top. We could even use the kind of paper that people use to sign two copies of a form at the same time for this:
18 replies
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109 reactions

Joe L pfp
Joe L
Thx. Happy to be here.
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