Jaidon pfp



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Jaidon pfp
Wow havent been here in awhile but love these posts 🙏🏻
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Jaidon pfp
Flying to Salt Lake City to live for the next year, while continuing to build my design company. Great work => happy clients 💗 Current developing an ecom site in my pink IDE 🌸 /buildinpublic
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Jaidon pfp
The cities make us stay up - photograph - NYC, 2023
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Jaidon pfp
I’ve never heard of it!
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Jaidon pfp
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Jaidon pfp
Alone (Pool) - 2024 - Photograph
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Jaidon pfp
The world is more beautiful when you're with people who care. Lately, I am finding new people I care about, and new art that inspires me. When I'm with surrounded by people who care, everything has more meaning. Thank you all :) Flower lady at a flower shop in Kyoto, 2023 🌸
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Jaidon pfp
What is in the tree on the right?
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Jaidon pfp
I feel the same. It can be an industrial complex. “Innovation” is praised when it fits the trends. True innovation is controversial –and from institutions especially– criticized. Picasso, Monet, Duchamp, even digital photography. Ok art makes you go “Wow… huh?” Great art makes you go “huh? Wow!”
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Jaidon pfp
ITAP? Whats that?
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Jaidon pfp
I used to feel guilty when my practice is “bad” (sleepy, thinky...) I would think: I need to alter slightly (eyes open, standing posture...) But then I would feel guilty about having this reflection in the first place! And decide to make no change. It would be a cycle of feeling guilty on two fronts. It took forever for me to recognize this cycle (memory lol), until I saw some thoughts are a form of evolution or course correction. Even though “perfect meditation” paints images of full absorption, meta-cognition has been valuable for me. Intentionally addressing your guilt with logic and experimentation, in addition to “letting go”, may break a cycle for you too :)
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jp 🎩 pfp
jp 🎩
you start being a vehicle for life to be expressed through you. and i believe that we are here to do that. fundamentally: we are creators. YOU, dear reader, are here to create. that is the reason why you were born. to transform the sum of experiences that determine how you perceive the world today into something unique. something that only can happen if you can bring it to life. your mission is to tap into that. to develop the capacity to filter the noise and explore what it means to be human. through the creative act. as the creative act.
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Jaidon pfp
❤️ anicca vata sankhara!
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Jaidon pfp
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Jaidon pfp
How deep are you going? I’ve been 1-2h/day and totally relate. It feels like the opposite of journaling: verbally reflecting on previous experiences, where I can communicate about feelings and such easily when the time comes. But from meditation I have no words, no reflections, just sensations.
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