Gwynne Michele
My evening is smoking joints and working on a paper on the neuroethics of free will. Which is just one of the many areas where Western philosophy gets locked into black and white thinking about determinism vs free will.
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yep. it’s like motion. is the train arriving at the station, or the station arriving to the train? depends on your perspective
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really crazy this has perplexed people for so long
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Gwynne Michele
We're, as far as we know, the only creatures with metacognition. We are conditioned by our environments and experiences as all animals are, but we have that added ability to condition ourselves, if we so choose, and that's where our free will lies. But we first must make the choice to actually engage that will, and honestly, a lot of people don't because they're locked in systemic oppression and don't have the cognitive bandwidth to engage in the sort of reflective thinking about values that truly engages that free will.
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