Hugo HIRING ✦⁺ pfp

Hugo HIRING ✦⁺


205 Following

Hugo HIRING ✦⁺ pfp
Hugo HIRING ✦⁺
Why does uniswap have a send feature? Isn't a wallet a better place for this to be? Does anyone know the volume they have on it? Can't check it onchain :(
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Hugo HIRING ✦⁺ pfp
Hugo HIRING ✦⁺
I was considering going to ethSafari because Kenya is interesting for payments, but tbh the 2022 recap video doesn't look very promising.... Was anyone there last time? Was it good? Worth it?
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Hugo HIRING ✦⁺ pfp
Hugo HIRING ✦⁺
Does anyone know a good web3 analytics/stats person that's open to freelance? Plz recommend <3
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Hugo HIRING ✦⁺ pfp
Hugo HIRING ✦⁺
Does anyone know a good web3 analytics/stats person that's open to freelance? Plz recommend <3
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Hugo HIRING ✦⁺ pfp
Hugo HIRING ✦⁺
we thought the best devs are onchain if you wanna do cool stuff with payments, we have some bounties open :)
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Hugo HIRING ✦⁺ pfp
Hugo HIRING ✦⁺
I made a dashboard to track my daily mood! I find it really valuable to find 10mins in the day to do some journalling, and mood is one of the things I add (using obsidian w/ dataviewjs & charts plugins)
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Hugo HIRING ✦⁺ pfp
Hugo HIRING ✦⁺
Daily Cast to donate my $DEGEN allowance. plz like and/or recast and all that stuff bonus points for telling a joke
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Hugo HIRING ✦⁺ pfp
Hugo HIRING ✦⁺
another horribly abused crypto term: sybil attack why do so many people say sybil when they mean just bot farming??
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Hugo HIRING ✦⁺ pfp
Hugo HIRING ✦⁺
I bought a Trezor device (open-source ftw, yay!) and I paid using crypto directly pretty neat
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Hugo HIRING ✦⁺ pfp
Hugo HIRING ✦⁺
Daily Cast to donate my $DEGEN allowance. I'll choose 1 person randomly, no criteria. If you reply with something funny you get bonus points. here's a pic of my cat
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Hugo HIRING ✦⁺ pfp
Hugo HIRING ✦⁺
The concept of having an upgradeable laptop is very appealing to me Finally ordered a framework 👀
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Hugo HIRING ✦⁺ pfp
Hugo HIRING ✦⁺
Anyone know a killer UI designer? Some gigabrain to design cool flows Would love to hire for some freelance work
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Hugo HIRING ✦⁺ pfp
Hugo HIRING ✦⁺
why do people say liquidity when they mean amnt of funds why is this term so abused in this space
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Hugo HIRING ✦⁺ pfp
Hugo HIRING ✦⁺
I need to get rid of my daily allowance of $DEGEN It's like, free money. Crypto is weird. Comment below for tipssssss
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Hugo HIRING ✦⁺ pfp
Hugo HIRING ✦⁺
Description: Get me a rough estimate of Coinbase Wallet DAU or MAU? Amount: 10 USDC (or equivalent amount in $DEGEN if you want) @bountybot
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Hugo HIRING ✦⁺ pfp
Hugo HIRING ✦⁺
Imo $RPL (and $KILN?) should pump after this post. Haven't seen any price action rn lol
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Hugo HIRING ✦⁺ pfp
Hugo HIRING ✦⁺
Come on, this is the absolute coolest shit. Being able to detect & penalize centralized staking? Protocol design is so cool. I'm so bullish on ethereum. The amount of big brain thinking cycles that have gone and are going into it is insane
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Hugo HIRING ✦⁺ pfp
Hugo HIRING ✦⁺
I want to bring $DEGEN to the normies on Twitter. You can send degen with (my project) with a link - so you can post it on shitty web2 platforms like :))) Good idea? Should I build this?
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Hugo HIRING ✦⁺ pfp
Hugo HIRING ✦⁺
Question: We've built a cool relayer service in-house at peanut, for our own use. A company has asked me to expose that as a service. Does this make any longterm sense? Is there any space in the market for relayers in a universe with 4337? would love to hear your thoughts!
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Hugo HIRING ✦⁺ pfp
Hugo HIRING ✦⁺
Apparently I'm a FC power user where are my powers? I want to zap ⚡️the plebeian masses
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