Henry Harboe pfp

Henry Harboe


237 Following

Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
attn: crypto is fun again, we just needed a beanie .png and dogs https://jokerace.xyz/contest/optimism/0xd8346f3dAC4Ee02D55F26403c63925510A93B6A0
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
For the JTBD fans: how much do you agree with this advice? If the job people hire your competitors for is narrow, observe their inertia to leave. If inertia is low, build a better mousetrap. If inertia is high, pivot If the job is broad, find a meaningful gap in how well it's served by competitors and innovate there
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
User research = Business development Pay your ideal customers $100/hr to talk with you about their problems You'll not only find new ways to improve your product, you'll also form a new customer relationship built on empathy, trust and a legitimate desire to solve their problems Hit up @openux if you need help
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
Been thinking about the limits of consuming information as text... Is recalling/applying information we learned in physical/visual contexts 'easier' than doing the same with info we learned from text? Or does the bland/constrained nature of 2D text actually make it easier to recall/apply that info in the real world?
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
devs do something
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
What are the best bots for bottom-up community curation of links? Thinking of an experience where someone can submit a link, a summary of the link (self- or LLM-generated), 2–3 important quotes, and tap a button to ship it all to a Discord/Telegram channel (Trying to end the days of descriptionless link posting)
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
The squad at @openux just started using @paragraph to run our newsletter and were able to launch without a hitch. Really slick user experience Our first post is a big one, laying out plans to get more members involved in building out the collective: https://paragraph.xyz/@openux/introducing-squads
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
NYC→BOS carpoolers hmu
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
Service DAOs == self-owned vertical marketplaces
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
Rabbithole's new "ETH Earned" concept is brilliant in its simplicity to combine reputation with compensation into a single onchain field - simple (1 metric) - interoperable (onchain, L1) - inclusive (earnings == universal value signal) - meaningful (emphasizes *abilities* from earnings > earnings themselves)
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
Really nice community roles launch from daylight: https://daylight.mirror.xyz/NebYvnsIcWEA0JIPU1NC7WurQ2oapLD4uUb5L1hJu68
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
Collectively ignoring == community offboarding
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
I really wish Discord's "Member since" feature were onchain or otherwise queryable Anecdotally, based on some targeted snooping, I think I would find common ground with many people purely based on similar "Member since" dates in shared servers... 'Community cohorts' It's a bummer the 2021 DAO rush started offchain
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
Which DAOs or other internet communities have published introspective community research? I'm thinking similar to FWB Census: https://www.fwb.help/gate/censusresults Would love links/recommendations!
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
Community governance and community education aren't discussed enough together
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
Which tokens (or combinations of tokens) represent enough value-alignment that you'd choose to blindly spend a day with a group of their holders?
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
A risk of high social capital is those with less social capital not telling you when they think you're wrong
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
Deerhunter’s 2010 album still feels like their ‘new album’ to me instinctually. can’t explain it
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
We’re live 🎙️ If you’re grabbing lunch and want to join a conversation about product discovery 🤝 web3 app development, hop into OpenUX’s first Twitter space: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1lPJqBYwDZZxb
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
Last fall I spent a 9 hour flight writing a wacky manifesto about open source product research That doc led me to meet some very talented friends with similar ideas, and now those ideas have become something much more exciting. Come hang w/ us! https://mirror.xyz/openux.eth/zWkm2gSZPuAJCwVpr--pNEPr1zqnh4a6gDZSBctpfGI
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