Henry Harboe pfp

Henry Harboe


238 Following

Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
Looking for the best example of copy on a /pricing or /plans page that explains the value users are getting from the product, rather than a laundry list of features... anyone got one? Apple's pretty good
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
why do you build?
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
8 interviews, 210 tags in Dovetail spanning 290 highlights, 10 research questions I have to answer, 10 additional research questions I *want* to answer. Empty Google Sheet and Doc open. It feels like I can never predict what happens next during the interview analysis phase, but it's always fun and gratifying
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
@openux has research coming up that touches everything from top L1s to public goods with 1000s of DAUs—all are looking to pay stipends to devs for feedback on their roadmaps Feel free to sign up or share with a dev if you like being a part of this kind of research! https://survey.alchemer.eu/s3/90708011/fb67c5f727a4
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
nice, same! I'm learning italian. ymmv, but I'm a big fan of superprof.com, as I found an instructor there I really like working with. he shares lots of printouts with reading comprehension and grammar at my level, then I make and study flashcards on my own with ankiweb.net
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
🫡 https://twitter.com/OpenUX_xyz/status/1739709976669458597
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
Tootle dos
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Mark Fishman pfp
Mark Fishman
Merry Christmas! 🥂 @openux is spending the final week of the year celebrating the BEST UX OF 2023 🥳 Share a screenshot, gif, video, or link to a great product experience you used this year – explain what made it great! The top 3 liked responses win 100/50/25 USDC Deadline is 12/31 11:59pm PST @bountybot
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
love it, wanna set it up today? maybe "most improved ux of 2023" and ask people to submit two screenshots showing off their change? most liked reply gets $100? deadline december 31st?
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
attn: crypto is fun again, we just needed a beanie .png and dogs https://jokerace.xyz/contest/optimism/0xd8346f3dAC4Ee02D55F26403c63925510A93B6A0
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
thanks bud
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
That's interesting dude! Does that change when you know what JTBD(s) you're solving for users? Super simple example: FC helps people connect, competes with X/Lens/etc. FC grew slowly w/ native onchain social graphs and filled a meaningful gap in how well crypto natives could connect on X. And they're killing it!
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
For the JTBD fans: how much do you agree with this advice? If the job people hire your competitors for is narrow, observe their inertia to leave. If inertia is low, build a better mousetrap. If inertia is high, pivot If the job is broad, find a meaningful gap in how well it's served by competitors and innovate there
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
love wilco! they’re so good live. and love hearing them in the soundtrack to The Bear 🔥
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
User research = Business development Pay your ideal customers $100/hr to talk with you about their problems You'll not only find new ways to improve your product, you'll also form a new customer relationship built on empathy, trust and a legitimate desire to solve their problems Hit up @openux if you need help
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
thanks @timdaub.eth and @annoushka.eth! we just dropped a mock of what we’re planning to build a few min ago: https://twitter.com/OpenUX_xyz/status/1693626491450359835
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
Yay lftg!
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
Been thinking about the limits of consuming information as text... Is recalling/applying information we learned in physical/visual contexts 'easier' than doing the same with info we learned from text? Or does the bland/constrained nature of 2D text actually make it easier to recall/apply that info in the real world?
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
Totally and same here. It wasn’t until I fell down the rabbit hole of ‘growth as a product discipline’ (thanks reforge blogs) that I started elevating dist as equal to the other four Particularly tough/important in crypto!
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Henry Harboe pfp
Henry Harboe
I always like to add a fifth to this set (for new products): can we distribute it?
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