timbeiko.eth pfp
One of the coolest privacy proposals which _could_ potentialy/eventually be used on L1 (and pretty likely on L2s) was presented on ACD today, and they even had nice ELI5 slides šŸ˜„ https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1omnj-y2L59wERsOBQRKjoIKHm5VQ1A6Sdmc2_Oa75IM/edit?pli=1#slide=id.p
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Harper pfp
this seems cool! I think I understand. It would "unlock" all of the Eth that had otherwise been burnt/lost by "re-minting" it. And this helps with scalability because it decreases the number of transactions the chain needs to store?
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timbeiko.eth pfp
Not quite, @harpcaster (A+ handle btw!!). The way it would work is that as a user you send your ETH to an address _you_ know is a burn address but no one can tell from just looking at it. You keep a proof of that. Then, you can make a separate txn, from a diff address which would re-mint the funds from the prev txn.
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Harper pfp
Ohhhhh. Huh! Okay Iā€™m going to re read these slides. Thank you!
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