Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Whats the absolute best conversion funnel you’ve experienced on the internet? 🫨 I’m looking for a shit hot, locked in, ultra tight, zero wasted energy, slick and sleek, stupid high converting, yet ultimately very pleasant purchase/subscribe/sign up experience 🫨 Help us all grow 🥲😩🫡
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sean pfp
freeport was one of the best signup experiences I’ve ever had that required extra info like KYC. Really well designed. @cojo.eth @ba
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Colin Johnson pfp
Colin Johnson
Ahhhh thanks Sean, I immediately sent this to our CTO @lumley. All credit to him 💪💪
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timdaub 🥝 pfp
timdaub 🥝
funnily enough I tried it and the primary call to actions never lead me to a sign up button. But otherwise pretty neat yes
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