grin↑ pfp
this changed my mind -- i'm now less negative about mainsteam media esp valuable if you're a @balajis.eth fan (which i am)
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grin↑ pfp
Concrete recs:
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Mac Budkowski 🥝 pfp
Mac Budkowski 🥝
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JB Rubinovitz  pfp
JB Rubinovitz
My partner works for the MSM and I can confirm they work very hard under very clear, consistent standards. I’ve been covered by the MSM and while they’ve at times made up their own story, it was very consistent with their standards. When you don’t like their standards you can find another outlet.
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🎩Syed Shah🏴‍☠️🌊 pfp
🎩Syed Shah🏴‍☠️🌊
I think this wave of disapproval for media is good because it has raised the collective ability to think critically relative to before. Not just accept everything at face value. The next step is learning to reason but baby steps.
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Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
Haha all the emotions that this article elicits for me. 1) vindication. Among my more eastward facing friends I've been criticized for my defense of msm 2) slight concern. being critical of your organs of information is an important part of a balanced breakfast.
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Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
I once had someone I really respect block me on twitter because (among other things) I told a story wherein The New York Times was a protagonist
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The media is never honest. It’s politically biased.
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Here’s why you shouldn’t trust anything you see/read from established media
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