phil pfp
Product designers: what are your favorite books / resources for someone interesting in learning about design? Bonus points if it is written by someone who has actually shipped great products. Double bonus points for tactical knowledge, not strategies or business books.
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Sam Iglesias pfp
Sam Iglesias
Creative Selection by Ken Kocienda. Not a fan of his online persona lately but I like the book’s interplay between design and engineering thinking.
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John Gazzini pfp
John Gazzini
This was a great book -- Apple's process for designing the iPhone keyboard just absolutely disregards everything about "lean" product thinking. I was equally surprised by how scared everyone was about the Steve demos, and also that the process was so successful.
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John Gazzini pfp
John Gazzini
My takeaway is that 99% of our tech-product culture is just unprincipled cargo-cutting & the winning move is to ignore it & build something you personally believe is great.
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