notdevin  pfp
Going from eating < 30 carbs a day to a cheat day where I eat whatever, it’s insane how much more hungry the carbs make you feel
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borodutch @ farcon & lunchbreak pfp
borodutch @ farcon & lunchbreak
*simple carbs you won't be hungry for a long time after beans, lentils or other whole foods don't generalize all carbs remember that fiber is also carbs
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notdevin  pfp
Lentils and me are not friends, though I do enjoy them. You can also adapt to any diet, though nothing touches the endurance you can get from fats
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borodutch @ farcon & lunchbreak pfp
borodutch @ farcon & lunchbreak
"nothing touches" let me introduce you to actual research i feel like you can benefit from it and stop believing in fat source as endurance to be efficient or superior
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notdevin  pfp
You can use research , I’ve put it all to the test. I know exactly what works outside of a lab and my output data proves it 🀷🏼
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borodutch @ farcon & lunchbreak pfp
borodutch @ farcon & lunchbreak
did you actually? or do you (in fact, your brain) just lie to yourself because you haven't really conducted proper testing?
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notdevin  pfp
Look man, I have been at the top of the game in sports across multiple categories for my entire life. I appreciate your views and your insights on a lot of things. What goes on with the body and how it works is something I’ve been paid to understand, and I do.
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