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EulerLagrange.eth pfp
We really need to come to a standard on how bundlers simulate transactions for account abstraction. It’s critical for features like pay fee in ERC20 that open up new models into tokenomics. The ethereum foundation won’t take a stance on this. A leader must rise up to this challenge.
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Drew Fisher pfp
Drew Fisher
I’m not sure I understand. What do you see as missing with the current 4337 bundling spec What’s missing from the bundler implementations we have today like alto and voltaire
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EulerLagrange.eth pfp
@eulerlagrange.eth Take a look at the write up for this implementation of AA.
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EulerLagrange.eth pfp
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Drew Fisher pfp
Drew Fisher
I don’t get the issue though: why does simulation need more standards? UserOps are valid or they aren’t. Why do you say there’s an issue with ERC20 paymasters?
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