Eddy Lazzarin 🟠 pfp

Eddy Lazzarin 🟠


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Eddy Lazzarin 🟠 pfp
Eddy Lazzarin 🟠
He’s talking about Al Andalus
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Eddy Lazzarin 🟠 pfp
Eddy Lazzarin 🟠
Flamenco and Tarantella are from Southern Spain and Southern Italy, respectively. I think my people were mostly building boats and not dancing.
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Eddy Lazzarin 🟠 pfp
Eddy Lazzarin 🟠
What do people think of Nebula for DNA sequencing? Being able to download all 300GB and reanalyze later, privately, sounds very attractive. https://nebula.org/whole-genome-sequencing-dna-test/
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Eddy Lazzarin 🟠 pfp
Eddy Lazzarin 🟠
Part Northern Italian but also mostly Northern Spanish. Dan is very Galician, I’m more Asturian and Basque.
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Sam Ragsdale pfp
Sam Ragsdale
It's time to build (verifiable compute). Jolt will support many different zkVM configurations in a unified codebase. OS contributors accelerate Jolt's development but we can parallelize these efforts further. Reach out if you want to build the core infra of the future.
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a16zcrypto pfp
New podcast: Building the Breakthrough zkVM Jolt ⚡️ In this episode, members of the a16z crypto research and engineering teams discuss their year-long close collaboration to develop the simplest, most performant zkVM to date: Jolt️⚡️ @samrags @moodlezoup @hackr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uy0Qap3fePI
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ncitron.eth pfp
New Jolt feature just dropped! Jolt programs now support using the Rust Standard Library! This means that nearly all existing Rust programs are compatible with Jolt, opening up the door for new applications that make use of Rust's full ecosystem.
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Eddy Lazzarin 🟠 pfp
Eddy Lazzarin 🟠
They’re really good. Audio quality is surprisingly good, voice calls and music are excellent. Video and photo is awesome except for the irritating external light, which is intended to warn others that you’re filming and can’t be disabled. Great device and I recommend it.
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Eddy Lazzarin 🟠 pfp
Eddy Lazzarin 🟠
It's a token that explicitly has no functionality and never will, it's for gambling, and there's nothing to explain: dog wif hat, dogecoin, wifejak, pepe, jeo boden, etc. Tokens with memes aren’t memecoins. Almost every asset has memetic characteristics. Memecoins are tokens that are only memes with nothing else.
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Eddy Lazzarin 🟠 pfp
Eddy Lazzarin 🟠
Community tokens/scenecoins are interesting experiments. I don’t think these are memecoins.
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Eddy Lazzarin 🟠 pfp
Eddy Lazzarin 🟠
I’m not sure if $DEGEN is a memecoin. Does it have specific functionality + a true belief that more will be added in the future? If you’re explaining how it works it’s probably not a memecoin.
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Eddy Lazzarin 🟠 pfp
Eddy Lazzarin 🟠
I love it. It flirts with the grid and feels orderly without being obviously constrained by it. Very charming!
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Eddy Lazzarin 🟠 pfp
Eddy Lazzarin 🟠
It does, and we love helping our portfolio with research and engineering whenever there’s a great opportunity.
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Eddy Lazzarin 🟠 pfp
Eddy Lazzarin 🟠
They're the purest version of speculation — so pure that there is only a tenuous link with reality strictly mediated by peoples' beliefs. They are not the purest version of crypto, unless you have a totally impoverished view of crypto.
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Eddy Lazzarin 🟠 pfp
Eddy Lazzarin 🟠
Performance reviews are daunting and a lot of work, but after you get deep into revisiting what everyone has achieved over the last year the pride is incomparable. The team ships. 🥲
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Eddy Lazzarin 🟠 pfp
Eddy Lazzarin 🟠
Memecoins have been around for a while and haven't changed much. They aren't going away, but they won't be a source of lasting innovation either. Memecoins are just a symptom of other powerful and promising phenomena on the web: memes, social networks, permissionless verified computation, and more. Focus on those.
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a16zcrypto pfp
CSX London Week 3 Highlights. ⤵ A quote from @eddy's "Tokencraft" session: “Design the protocol, not the token. If you design the protocol correctly, it will become evident where the token fits in.” - @eddy
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Jayme Hoffman pfp
Jayme Hoffman
“You don’t design a token, you design a protocol.” - @eddy dropping knowledge on tokens The slide in the background is a good mental model for token types
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Eddy Lazzarin 🟠 pfp
Eddy Lazzarin 🟠
I just got a peek of the tech tree for Jolt and it's incredible: one of the best learning opportunities in crypto and we have a budget for external contributors. Jolt is the simplest zkVM by a long shot.
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a16zcrypto pfp
Field notes from Zero Knowledge Summit 2024 📝 https://a16zcrypto.com/posts/article/zero-knowledge-summit-zksummit-2024-field-notes/
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