I have been struggling to articulate exactly why but this just feels like advice for men. I don’t think it works out the same way for women to simply follow your intellectual interests No one complains about over educated men, but they scream and scream and scream about over educated women. There’s personal reward in following these passions yes, but I don’t think you should expect society to reward you like Naval says it will here
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idk replace his -obsession- with passion and it becomes dull advice bout -follow your passion- which is obvious and kinda nothing new? I see your point on the genders differences tho, and that's just sad, but also feels like a shifting field. so doing whatever you damn please sounds fine to me (without expecting society to reward you) today's society's values might not be the ones of the society that has to judge your intellectual pursuits in a few decades
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Women’s self improvement time is better spent improving aesthetics rather than intellect
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Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson
and also social ability. not necessarily in the same way as guys though there's overlap. /rizzdom
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Exactly. Do not cultivate a drop more of iq than you need. Be pretty to look at and nice to talk to. That is a woman’s function
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Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson
Not sure if you're being sarcastic lol. Either way I disagree. It may not be #1 but actually can be extremely powerful when it comes being attractive (yes, wrt girls) if you know how to integrate it + "wield" it the right way. In which case it's a really fucking good synergist with social ability. It's actually not even a different thing. Social IQ *is* intelligence.
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Dwayne 'The Jock' Ronson
Again, shilling here but this is really the core of what we're exploring at /rizzdom Idt people incl women are anywhere near their potential of what's possible imo
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