phil @ farcon pfp
phil @ farcon
@cameron I’m not familiar with the contributeETH method used in the recent Purple proposal. What does it do, and how do it differ from a simple transfer function?
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
It’s a specific method that @fabric built into their contract that makes their product work. If we didn’t use that, we unfortunately wouldn’t be able to have @purple contribute directly to the crowdfund. @nonlinear.eth anything that I missed?
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scottrepreneur pfp
Is there a fallback function on these contracts @nonlinear.eth? Would be helpful I assume
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Jonny Mack pfp
Jonny Mack
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
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Jonny Mack pfp
Jonny Mack
ah. no, no fallback. will consider for future versions. cc/ @ds
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Danny pfp
Because tokens can be contributed, and returned to contributors, we used explicit calls for them as to disambiguate a defined receive function.
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Danny pfp
For example, imagine receive was implemented and sending eth to the contract would contribute eth if the fund was open, or allocate yield if the fund was successful. Now imagine a proposal passing after it hit max goal, and the transaction occurs. The funds would be allocated to the contributes pro-rata.
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scottrepreneur pfp
Probably should explicitly reject, ideally. So funds aren't trapped
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Danny pfp
It will reject on receive. An explicit and meaningful message makes sense though.
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