phil @ farcon pfp
phil @ farcon
@cameron I’m not familiar with the contributeETH method used in the recent Purple proposal. What does it do, and how do it differ from a simple transfer function?
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
It’s a specific method that @fabric built into their contract that makes their product work. If we didn’t use that, we unfortunately wouldn’t be able to have @purple contribute directly to the crowdfund. @nonlinear.eth anything that I missed?
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scottrepreneur pfp
That contract address should be the @fabric crowdfund for @farcon . To deposit the funds there
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billzh.eth 🎩 @ FarCon pfp
billzh.eth 🎩 @ FarCon
btw nouns builder sometimes doesn't properly show the tx amount - it should be .contributeETH (1 ETH). You can check it onchain or see AC's prop page
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