David Furlong pfp
David Furlong
I often get asked if discove is going to support other social protocols besides Farcaster. I think supporting multiple protocols creates complex UX, uses dev cycles & shows a lack of conviction. Long term I think social protocols have strong network effects and there will be a clear winner; I'm betting on Farcaster.
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David Furlong pfp
David Furlong
I understand why many social apps are aggregating - they have raised $Xm and need to grow fast, now to raise their next next round before they run out of money. But if you're thinking long term, I think the goal needs to be to build better, web3 enabled social experiences, not maximize content or short term TAM.
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Sam is at FarCon ✦  pfp
Sam is at FarCon ✦
Staying focused 🧠
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Tayyab - d/acc pfp
Tayyab - d/acc
In agreement. I believe in this stage of the market, this is the right approach. There may be a different answer in a few years, but for now focus and execute on a narrow problem for a narrow segment :)
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billzh.eth 🎩 @ FarCon pfp
billzh.eth 🎩 @ FarCon
Exactly 💯
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Jason — ⚪↑🎩 pfp
Jason — ⚪↑🎩
Another piece of it is that you won’t know which of these other protocols won’t be around by the time a clear winner is chosen Why get ahead of aggregating Altavista, yahoo, and ask Jeeves if Google emerges from the pack. When that event comes, it’ll change the competitive landscape. Worry about it then
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