David Furlong pfp
David Furlong
I often get asked if discove is going to support other social protocols besides Farcaster. I think supporting multiple protocols creates complex UX, uses dev cycles & shows a lack of conviction. Long term I think social protocols have strong network effects and there will be a clear winner; I'm betting on Farcaster.
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David Furlong pfp
David Furlong
I understand why many social apps are aggregating - they have raised $Xm and need to grow fast, now to raise their next next round before they run out of money. But if you're thinking long term, I think the goal needs to be to build better, web3 enabled social experiences, not maximize content or short term TAM.
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David Furlong pfp
David Furlong
I feel strongly that the long term north star needs to be mass consumer, not niche crypto twitter. I don't see consumers setting up Farcaster, Bluesky, Lens, and Deso accounts to use in the same app, unless the username space is shared and the protocols are abstracted away
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