derek pfp
Why is nuclear becoming the energy darling when solar is so clearly better? Solar is already proven to work at a variety of scales, has little-to-no downside, and needs to only become more efficient and ubiquitous.
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Samuel pfp
what makes solar clearly better?
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derek pfp
1. It’s abundant and inexhaustible. 2. No emissions and minimal waste. 3. Scalable implementation (can be easily sized up or down) 4. Flexible implementation (roofs, farms, etc unlike a lot of hydro, nuclear, and wind installs) 5. Minimal risks (unlike nuclear or fossil fuels) Solar’s issues are all solvable and primarily come down to efficiency per unit of area of panels and storage.
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Samuel pfp
Storage to me is the main issue with solar + not having enough sun everywhere e.g. Germany in winter
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