Dylan Mikus pfp
Dylan Mikus
If I had to pick just one reason to use Foundry over Hardhat, it would be that I don't brick my entire repo when I try to upgrade and my yarn.lock dependencies collectively all shit themselves. I love the Typescript language, hate the JS development ecosystem.
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Dylan Mikus pfp
Dylan Mikus
Counterpoint: some of my Hardhat test code becomes my web app implementation code, so that's a +1 on the Hardhat side!
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Bias 🫧🗿 pfp
Bias 🫧🗿
I’m not as experienced and trying to learn (React a little) But it’s interesting to hear the complaints of more experienced people
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frolic pfp
When you say “brick” are you referring to dependency trees, version bumps, etc. breaking? Like cannot resolve imports properly? Or more that in JS ecosystem, APIs change relatively fast and folks don’t really adhere perfectly to semver, backwards compat, etc.
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