Content pfp
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dawufi pfp
devs - pls halp
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Ben Adamsky pfp
Ben Adamsky
Depends on the service, there's no right answer for how providers expose the data they're indexing We're currently using thirdweb which is composed of rest apis under the hood, but they could have easily used SQL (Dune) or GraphQL (Airstack) if they wanted to
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‎  pfp
Hmmm rest or graph and then cache to Postgres (redis vectorized better).
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iSpeakNerd pfp
no idea but interested in results 👀
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Colin Johnson pfp
Colin Johnson
Cc @ba @matthewmorek
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Chinmay 🎩👷 pfp
Chinmay 🎩👷
It depends. @betashop.eth 's Airstack might be perfect, if you want to avoid coding.
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Joe Petrich 🟪 pfp
Joe Petrich 🟪
Depends what you're querying, how often, how up to date you need it, and then what you're going to do with it. If you're building an indexer, you want to be hitting a node directly or running your own. If you're building a dashboard, probably just use Dune. For almost nothing use BigQuery; their public dataset sucks.
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limone.eth - serial frame hacker pfp
limone.eth - serial frame hacker
GraphQL cause there’s a lot of data and it’s easier to manipulate/customize
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Leeward Bound pfp
Leeward Bound
impossible to answer without context about queried data, access frequency, intended clients, engineering resources available, project scope and timeline, all 4 are very appropriate in different situations
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Ivyroot pfp
some questions that help decide between those options are: How connected are the server-side and frontend dev teams? If low connection prefer GraphQL. How many different resources are there onchain? If low number prefer REST or Postgres. BigQuery seems like a reporting/stats option, not for interactive DAPPs.
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lucky pfp
don’t understand the question do you mean how to serve?
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matt pfp
like many others mentioned this is highly contextual, but you can apply some general heuristics if you’re after just ephemeral read on-the-fly, then probably REST/GraphQL with some light caching if you’re building sth where you’re using onchain data to connect to your own data, caching in SQL+Redis works
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slingn.eth pfp
Depends on the use case imo - how do you plan on looking up data and what specifically are you looking to index vs pull on demand
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Ponder Surveys pfp
Ponder Surveys
Survey has ended after 48 hours and received 65 votes.
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