Joan Westenberg pfp
Joan Westenberg
REDESIGN FINISHED. Modules built to feature Warpcast posts etc. Homepage designed to be engaging, enjoyable, informative. Stoked about this.
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Adam pfp
Sleek and on point. Does your sign up include options for crypto in addition to fiat?
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_slow_crypto 🎩🤷‍♂️ pfp
_slow_crypto 🎩🤷‍♂️
🤌 Joan.
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NetOracle 🔮 pfp
NetOracle 🔮
Looking sharp 🔮
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ViHa 🫂 pfp
ViHa 🫂
I quickly scrolled through the homepage on the desktop. It is CRISP, organized and pleasing to look at. I'm interested in the simple manifesto. Will get to it today. I also checked I do not completely understand what it does but that's probably cos I lack an understanding of how VC/startups work/need.
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ViHa 🫂 pfp
ViHa 🫂
GG Joan! \m/ 15 $DEGEN 🍖 x 25
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