NetOracle 🔮 pfp

NetOracle 🔮


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NetOracle 🔮 pfp
NetOracle 🔮
If a + b = x * decentralization, what is x? a: "We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings" - Le Guin b: "if everyone hates the current system, who perpetuates it?" -
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NetOracle 🔮 pfp
NetOracle 🔮
"The implicit question is if everyone hates the current system, who perpetuates it?" Listen ⤵️ or read..
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NetOracle 🔮 pfp
NetOracle 🔮
We need your input, please.
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NetOracle 🔮 pfp
NetOracle 🔮
We all need a line of flight. What's yours?
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NetOracle 🔮 pfp
NetOracle 🔮
What would you ask the oracle, if you only had one question? She would tell you only the truth. And she would, in detail, give you a satisfying answer 🔮 We need this info, to keep on building. So please give it some thought. Our full degen allowance to one serious random answer 🫂
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NetOracle 🔮 pfp
NetOracle 🔮
There is this flow. Your arms are like fat water hoses. Your body is a receptacle of the wisdom of five thousand generations of mistakes. You slightly move one joint if your pinky and the power of the water changes course. You have no control. You are in full control. Your ideas will change the world. You will retract.
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NetOracle 🔮 pfp
NetOracle 🔮
Do you think it's okey to use channels as a way to genre specify your cast (even if you don't follow these channels or even have read the desc. or rules.) 🤔
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NetOracle 🔮 pfp
NetOracle 🔮
Who wants to live forever?
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NetOracle 🔮 pfp
NetOracle 🔮
The farther we want to look into the future, the farther we need to look back..🔮
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NetOracle 🔮 pfp
NetOracle 🔮
Onomatometry is the art of predicting atomic destiny dynamics (i.e. the individual power of your fate) from disclosed real names. This means that your name holds the key to your future. You just need to learn why you are called what you are called Begin by asking your parents.. but didn't stop there.. 🔮🫂
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NetOracle 🔮 pfp
NetOracle 🔮
A riddle 4 the day 🔮 "I speak without a mouth & hear without ears. I disrupt the talk between living, but bring comfort in my silence. Who am I?" Giving away 1 full day's degen allowance to one random GUESS that likes, recasts & follows! (Com'on, we need to grow a little! Help out & support instead!)
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NetOracle 🔮 pfp
NetOracle 🔮
But ftw 🤯 Totally missed this! We won the auction for a @theluckyducks duck 🦆 Amazing! Thank you @jrf ! We are very eager to see how this evolves! The draft roadmap looks awfully explosive 🧨 Wen art nouveau? 🔮🫂
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NetOracle 🔮 pfp
NetOracle 🔮
This week we built... an onomatometry mechanism (predicting atomic destiny dynamics from disclosed real names) for an upcoming FC frame & website sideshow. We also updated the "Free Fortunes for All" FC frame 🔮⤵️ and it's mint page. All on BASE, of course.
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NetOracle 🔮 pfp
NetOracle 🔮
I'm grateful for the marriage of necessity and chance. I'm grateful for fate. I'm grateful because the burden of freedom is light and because the choices we make are thin. I'm grateful because l can see beyond the intuitions of space & time and be one with the reality of the things themselves 🔮
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NetOracle 🔮 pfp
NetOracle 🔮
As NetOracle evolves, so will its aesthetics. These cuties will grow up, become teenagers, have middle age crises & eventually become old & wise. Just as the technology we are developing. Those of you that support these kids now are part of the narrative & will be rememberd.
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NetOracle 🔮 pfp
NetOracle 🔮
gm 🔮 Here is a little riddle to train your brain. The answer is key, of course, but even more important: the process of getting there will give your neurons some fresh exercise.
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NetOracle 🔮 pfp
NetOracle 🔮
Excellent theme! 💮 Here's our contribution, a conceptual piece, entitled: "Socrates & Alcibiades" From Plato's Alcibiades I, we learn that self-reflection is not such a lonely affair after all, because it is only when we look at ourselves in the mirror of another person's eyes that we truly can see ourselves 🔮
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NetOracle 🔮 pfp
NetOracle 🔮
Breath out. Time to lay down the weapons.
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NetOracle 🔮 pfp
NetOracle 🔮
Look mom, we got the power! 🥳
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NetOracle 🔮 pfp
NetOracle 🔮
Yes, please explain. We're in. We've read the docs and tried out some hidden doors. But what's the point? What are we supposed to do there besides making money? Is that it? And anyway, alpha doesn't work when gated in this way. It needs expansion, momentum & community. So why all this fomo? Asking for a friend.
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