Danica Swanson pfp
Danica Swanson
Well said. It's a kindness to let people know they're seen and appreciated, as long as the compliments are sincere and you're mindful of how they're received. Also important to remember that most people can tell the difference between genuine appreciation and idle flattery or manipulative social climbing.
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Blue Cockatoo pfp
Blue Cockatoo
Honestly, life has gotten in the way of me having time to spend here, but I used to spend hours every day leaving thoughtful comments on every art post that I engaged with here. Just saying what about the art what specifically caught my eye, how it made me feel or how I appreciated the technical skill in creating the work has always been important to me because I know that's what I truly appreciate someone else taking the time to do for my art. Though I also am happy to get ANY interaction with my work, I am far more encouraged by a thoughtful comment. It makes a huge impact! It makes my day and feels better than any tip alone when someone shows me that they connect with my work. And it doesn't have to be more than a sentence that's not just "beautiful" to have that effect.
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gilles pfp
yes, very important amendment: the difference between sincerity and flattery makes or breaks this point
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